About Us
Centre for Training and Integrated Research in ASAL Development (CETRAD) is a Bilateral Institution between the Government of Kenya (through The Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation) and the Government of Switzerland, through the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern. CETRAD is based in Nanyuki, Laikipia County, and was established in July 2002 as a follow up of the then Laikipia Research Programme (1976 - 1997).
What We Do
Our Online Platforms
CETRAD offers short-term training courses and provides a platform for academic training programmes from collaborating local and foreign universities and other related research institutions. The short-term courses are designed to impact technical skills and provided field based and practical exposure to the target trainees, normally drawn from government and NGO institutions from the respective training fields. The academic training programmes are offered at Masters, PhD and Post Doc levels.