CETRAD will continue to implement on behalf of the Wyss Academy for Nature activities within the three main functions namely:
The dual purpose corridors Implementation of the dual purpose corridors progressed to the best extend within the COVID-19 restrictions. Institutional analysis and stakeholder engagement continued to reveal more issues for consideration as we refined the dual purpose corridors concept and sought more promising entry points into this rather complex initiative. Consequently, additional dimensions and new geographical areas of interest beyond the Il Polei-Ol Kimanju – Crocodile jaws corridor to include the Ol Donyiro, Sera and Kalama corridors with the Save The Elephants (STE) and the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT) as the main partners. These will become the main (pilot) areas of focus in the current financial year and beyond; and the main activities will revolve around tracking and marking of the designated areas based on available evidence of wildlife (elephants) movement; regular monitoring and surveillance for any possible encroachment especially by human activities, gazettement of the secured space and installation of required infrastructure. Furthermore, the role of the Champions of the Corridors will be redefined to align with the new dimensions, and their membership broadened and strengthening to become more robust.