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April 25, 2022
CDE’s Transformation Streams
Implementation of the approved Transformation Streams (TS) will start beginning of the second quarter of the year. Three of the streams that CETRAD was involved in were approved for implementation as follows
The Springs Stewardship
The initial pilot area for the Springs Stewardship will remain the Gambella wetland in the lowlands of the Ngare Mara sub-catchment that drains the western slopes of the Nyambene ranges.
Hydromet monitoring systems for the Lewa-Borana landscape and Upper Ewaso Ng’iro basin
The activities initiated to expand the hydromet monitoring system into the Lewa-Borana landscape courtesy of the CETRAD-LEWA collaboration platform are in progress.
The TNC Projects.
The overall goal of the TNC’s intervention was to evaluate and promote agricultural pathways in Laikipia and Meru Counties/the Upper Ewaso Ng’iro that can contribute to economic development while protecting wildlife and water resources.
SUDAC CLOCs on Multi-Stakeholder Knowledge Management Platform
This project is funded by the SUDAC Clusters of Cooperation in the Global South (CLOCs) and is implemented by a consortium of research scientists from Centre for Development and Environment (CDE)
Green futures: The politics of ecological growth; activities under the UNESCO Chair initiative
The UNESCO Chair, co-chaired between Bern and Nanyuki, on Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Mountain Development is in transition. Setting up of Phase 2 (2020-2023) kicked off with intensive engagement with the recently formed network of 8 UNESCO Chairs in Kenya.
SUDAC Academy 2030
This is a cross-cutting project with research as well as transfer components. The project is funded under the auspices of the Swiss Universities Development and Cooperation Network (SUDAC)
The R4D Woody Weeds Project
This project is implemented by the CABI Switzerland, in collaboration with Swiss, Ethiopian, Kenyan, Tanzanian and South African research organizations. It is funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC).
Wyss Academy for Nature
CETRAD will continue to implement on behalf of the Wyss Academy for Nature activities within the three main functions namely: Establishing the knowledge base for transformations ii) Designing incubators (schemes for innovative solutions) Launching science policy-society interfaces.