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Green futures: The politics of ecological growth; activities under the UNESCO Chair initiative
The UNESCO Chair, co-chaired between Bern and Nanyuki, on Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Mountain Development is in transition. Setting up of Phase 2 (2020-2023) kicked off with intensive engagement with the recently formed network of 8 UNESCO Chairs in Kenya.

The UNESCO Chair, co-chaired between Bern and Nanyuki, on Natural and Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Mountain Development is in transition. Setting up of Phase 2 (2020-2023) kicked off with intensive engagement with the recently formed network of 8 UNESCO Chairs in Kenya. Several fund raising initiatives were formulated although very few went through. The activities to be implemented under the UNESCO Chair project include:

  • Enhancing the visibility and publicity of the Chair activities in Kenya.
  • Institutional/Data Base Inventory of the core site Mt Kenya in order to consolidate the WHS DB
  • Developing a mountain Research Agenda with partner institutions (Nairobi and Karatina Universities).